I scuff my sneakers on the sidewalks glancing sideways at commuters and their habits stock-still from rusted bench to the same speckled train seat to the same stained coffee cup settled gently on tired laps same crosswords to turn the gears then – look! the tired frayed split ends & split jeans of the “wild crowd” – 3 of them huddled in the corner, the remains of the dawn’s crack and boom of mics and plastic beer pushed hastily into cups and glowsticks into back pockets, the poetry of the worker clashing with the night rave. We are awash in threadbare floors that thousands of footsteps caught and dragged the morning out into the ever- repetitive path we crave this it is so old and tired and we crave it even our glowticks are fading changing from neon green and pink to traffic cone orange gray pigeoned collars and scuffed sneakers seamless changes of building to street speed by drinking it in blindly, getting our fix of the day from stop to seat to the same stained coffee cup