The cigarette smoke burns my lungs, but the glow is my only light for the coming dark. I have the cough and the slack in my chest tortures my breaths, but I persevere, the relics of a healthy body turning black until all that is left is the wheezy breathlessness of detachment.
I am performing the slowest suicide possible, cancer not far away now, soon to have my heart in its grip, holding tighter and tighter until it squeezes all life from it, and I am left cold and broken in a grave of my own digging. My singing voice is raspy and my voice breaks at the high notes, so now I sing sad folk songs and breathe out broken veils of mist into the cold air.
My throat is dry, coughing up consonants and vowels growl with the voices of smoke monsters. I have just had a smoke and now I think I may have another, fed up of breathing easy tonight. Create gothic cathedrals of fog and let them hang foreboding in the cold night air.