Towering over all other life Watching through those large orbs which seemingly gaze into the inner parts of ones mind Although protected with two ivory pillars, unequivocally terrified All the while knowing that anything can go wrong
Upon the shoulders of the giant One may experience that which is sought after A position of safety albeit false and temporary From a greater height the larger the plight Into the depths of crushing darkness
Do you know the sorrow of a star that cannot return to the Heavens? A pain so great - it may engulf the planet although bystanders are not aware The Darkness shows it's ferocious hunger for the light In that ephemeral second of eternity The heart echoes the emptiness inside Lub-Dub-Lub-Dub-Lub-Dub
For in the Heart of the Elephant When the love falls And all that is left is disaster And all is lost What is there to do but to look toward the Greater Beings We yearn for understanding Meaning from the suffering