I can't really express much, but think of my heart's condition as that of a bed bathed in the filtered light of a curtained window. Small slits of optimism, amidst suffocating sheets of thoughts.
The others don't see the smile that wavers so easily, the balance held so precariously. A sunset postponed again, and again, like the tide that teases a desert with hourly breezes.
(Gosh, today's a **** writing day, isn't it?) I feel like my heart bleeds with all the words unsaid. I have to write something.
I don't crave the face that is yours, nor the arms that have held so many, since me.
I can't say my eyes have experienced drought since you And though it kills me to admit it, The strength I thought I always possessed was diluted by the blood of those who felt the same since us. It wouldn't be lies to confide that I miss so much of you, and that the sheer cliches of youth & love hold true now. But still I can't find fault in myself. I did it all. For you. For us.
So now it's aggressive scarring and angry eyes, behind the company of my closest, in front of your silence.
What the **** is wrong with you, anyway? You're more than somebody I used to know. You're a stranger.