She was no saint, no wonder woman and yet my mom possessed some of those qualities. A strong sweet person, with a loving heart.
My father was no fool, but with mom's quite strength and guidance he was a better, smarter man and family leader. This fact never more obvious than after she died at 54 and he had to cope on his own without her. A grieving man reduced to a child for a time. He never fully recovered. Rational decisions eluded him.
No matter how well it's constructed, Every ship needs a good compass and strong rudder and my mother was ours. My brother and I though grown and aging men, still steer the course she charted.
We never forget those that gave us life, molded our values and enriched our minds. Though many years may have dimmed their earthly image, time can not erode their moral teachings forever etched upon our souls. A charted course we have passed on to our children too.
For my big brother Phil. In lasting shared memory of our mother.