There’s this fly buzzing around in my apartment, divebombing my head and generally annoying me. He swoops and flits and bounces off my cheek but he never flies into my rolled-up newspaper.
He seems to be enjoying himself, the cheeky little ****** making faces at me. What do you have to smile about? A hundred eyes and **** on grass still looks sweet to you.
What is his purpose? To annoy everything else on this planet? If so, he’s doing a **** fine job of it, better than anything else wallowing around in this hell. Better than me, that’s for sure, shown up by a ******* fly!
Later on, I find him dead on the windowsill, his little legs sticking up in the air, his wings spread out, ready to fly off into the afterlife, heaven-bound, if such a heaven exists. I hope not, I don’t want an afterlife that I have to share with him.
I flick him out the window and wonder if there’s someone up there with his thumb and ******* in a circle ready to give me the same treatment.