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Jul 2017
Civilized people are cantankerously
Fighting, as if they are drawn
Into a macabre of horror

The Damascus or Aleppo is now dousing
The wild fire flung by the mad king
Gutted them from hospital bed to dinning drink
Moscow mutters its usual promises
Of the remedies to halt the sting

It is little wonder that the east is blank
When dragon flew from the west
Gurgling the blaze from its bulletproof vest
Some in the east have not even seen wild fire
In their harem, new anguishes wrung
For blousing the orifice of their blood bank

Abbottabad, which once fatigued the debris
Has been dishonored with the myth of Grand Prix
Contested between sleek Bugatti Veyron and Lamborghini

Unhappy lands are now divided between
The empires that can cease the territory
Orchestrating tussle between predators and prey

People are terrorized as their
Defenses are badly breached
Meanwhile, Mad king reigns supreme
Dreaming of a New world order
Where monsters fighting monsters are legalized
To an extent where humanity is
Decomposed into an atomic device

This continent is now like a vessel
Lost in the storm by its own undoing
The goal for its citizen is to survive
As the mad king is ready to jab in the boxing ring
To flatten you in front of your offspring

Far East is wedded between the cow horns
And the lavishness of dark ****
Or some say, between the missiles of the north
And the giant Eagle which is hovering back and forth
In a tormented and scourged peninsula burnt in wrath

The route all they have chosen
Will only welcome wrangling dispute
Among the priests, lords and cash kings
To wield their tantrum whether Solomon’s IQ
Was fluke in the Daniel’s Court of lucky ******?

Even, when the apparitions from the land of unseen yield
To the higher hierarchy who are pulling the strings
There must be a new world order is on the offing
Sacrifices have been made, a dictum has been uttered
The chained armies are to be liberated, barriers are to be broken
The topography of this earth will be dashed in the lashing wild fire.
Hasan Maruf
Written by
Hasan Maruf  28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh
(28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh)   
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