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Jul 2017
The self inflicted gunshot wounds
From holstered weapons going off
When you least expect it
Sometimes in the foot
Usually in the heart
Incurring maximum damage
Precisely at the most inopportune  
Moments, made possible by
Years of unconscious conditioning
Loading the chamber with
Hollow points of self worth
From the hip rapid fire assumptions
Sudden onset Alzheimer's headshots
  And ****** marvelous notions
That actually is the worst
In the History of Bad Ideas
Some of you conceal and carry
Pistols, others tote around
Semi automatic rifles
And then there are those of us with
Gatlin Guns
Still turning the crank
As we blast our Happiness into
Smithereens straight to Hell
Hasan Maruf
Written by
Hasan Maruf  28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh
(28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh)   
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