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Jul 2017
there's ugly in the world
hiding behind the doors of every
beaten path, of every opportunity
there's ugly in the world
deep in the veins of the cute
blonde girl with innocent turquoise eyes
there's ugly in the world
lying in the green meadows of
Yosemite, Yellow Stone, Sequoia
if you listen you can hear it
in between the sounds of violins and
piano keys ringing through the orchestra
if you look hard enough, you can see it
in between the teeth of the priests, bank tellers, liquor store owners, politicians
if you reach far enough, you can even feel it, on the diploma sheets, on the *******, on the empty wine glasses
do not beware the ugly
it's there when you shave, it's there when you drink, it's there when you get the mail, it's there when you sweep the floors,
it's there on Christmas, your wedding, your funeral
there is no escape from it
the sun is shinning, the grass is trimmed, a red checkered picnic cloth lays on the ground, her face looks at yours,
it's no different
do not beware the ugly
simply be aware
Written by
RMartinM  23/M/NYC
   Johnny Scarlotti
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