A smile touches my lips as I remember everything. I remember until the longing becomes too much; Until the ache of wanting becomes too deep and as salty as the warm tears flowing down my cheeks. I remember the whisper lullabies before I went off and the way you held me when I was hurt or scared. I would cry an ocean for you to set sail upon, but would you be willing to navigate through the broken? I remember the empty promises and bottles of pills; the pain but also the joy because I knew you'd stay... Eventually saying "Sorry" got too tiring and you ran. I'm not sure if it's good to remember you but I do. Would it be crazy for me to say that I still care about you? I know when you took your own life you weren't thinking; Would you do it again if you knew what it did to everyone? You were my Captain on our voyage through life but you ventured too far, only to find the forbidden treasure of death.