Debates, heated arguments, whispers, gossip Intimacy has become a social statement A crisis to fight for, to stand out and picket Joy has become a point that needs to be proven Whether she wants to or not. A sweet demeanor and kind words sheath defiance They see right through it, her.
Her youth may never be completely bridled by his experience His experience made null and void just by being in the presence of her youth. She senses the eyes of sceptics Struggling hard to attain the coveted self-righteous title of soothsayer Their legal union is a contentious spectacle The grief deemed too short-lived for their liking His newfound happiness, an affront She will always be that other woman, that young wife of his A schemer working some angle Eclipsed by his first love
She could never outshine the deceased With the dead there is no quarrel, there could never be any wrong She knows better than to ill-speak the one in the ground What can she say, than to secretly wish he was unhappy, he was chained to a heinous ogre for a wife It might have made it easier, a triumphant justification She, his refuge, his respite rather than a ruin to his reputation Indignant disrespect placed on her shoulders Her first, his last A beginning made possible by an ending Acutely aware, She knows her place.