it's morning, you know we could paint a still life with our impotent fingers or cook eggs with every spice in the drawer we could dig holes in the front yard, bury treasures in front of button-down commuters get smashingly drunk forget where we put them dig them up and be convincingly surprised.
we could pretend our hands are ****** hands our eyes new canvases and record like **** Rembrandts the embarassing details we could make a creek of pillows from one side of the house to another roll the entire length of it naked and end up tangled in each other when they run out
There is a whole day ahead of us, a whole world ahead of us - a world of misery separated from us by firecracker smoke, by cannonsmoke.
We have the house to ourselves we could duct tape cardboard to the exterior and pretend its one big refrigerator box we could jettison old ball mice and fat computer monitors into the driveway ***** a campfire in the living room and imagine that we have rebelled against something fittingly awful, the modern world scowling at our rusticity we could make a tincan telephone that connects the entire cul-de-sac and dress up smart and sell it as charmingly as Ma Bell door-to-door
But our refined brains think two things: *** again, handcuffed to maturity, or sleep. What a world. What a longing. What our age must suggest. What an excuse: your starched reputation. What courage could come from your bleached conscience. How lovely to be trapped.