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May 2012
Watch me,
Watch him.
Watch him,
Watch me.

Lurking beyond the outskirts of the country
Peering into every crack that forms on my skin
Like an old road map that has seen the ways to your heart
And the trees that climb and fall just like my mind
       Always falling
But only to try and climb again
He’s persistent
I guess that’s what you could say
Or just broken
                         Left empty of the day
That made the whole world go away

A hollow fear
Lives within this
Hollow man

A vacant soul
Left open from the sore
That was picked open a little too soon
Or maybe it wasn’t
My mind can’t think back now to recall
Such doom

Oh hollow man
Fall away from me
Bleed your last drop
So that I have nothing more
Open me up
And see what was there before

A shriveled up man
The size of a boy of seven
Whiteness surrounds
The ghost
Now in the heaven
Or hell that he crafted
Out of luck

Hollow man return to me
Send me your love
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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