A lonely martyr wanders decrepit halls of Jericho And no moon could shine brighter than his stars But alas life has no meaning to a man without his soul I'm nothing, but a husk covered in scars
I've used it, to lose it Tried to carve meaning into it But this aging crypt of a deathless mess Where evil kissed sickness as lover and mistress Unto me, and through me Disease and Terror eternally sit Inside a hurting heart with hurtful words Projecting from my quiet lips, to pen filled fingertips
Exciting new pain the flames will bring for me For inspiration is found in ethereal tapestries
They know I'm mad And dangerous because of everything that I know My mind is clad In a darkness that permeates through my very soul
Born wild, reviled A stillborn wretch defiled Unfeeling, unhealing, deformities revealing Yet Life opened his eyes and he cried to greet her
Little did she know my life was filled with pain A million holes filled only with disdain
For twenty years of torturous days and nights Every aspect of life I've had to fight Not with a sword or a gun but with the power of my own might Since I was born in have gone to war And every Angel I've seen was just a falling star There's nothing like a lifetime of creating scars To build you into who you truly are....