I didn’t cry at first. I was too numb, too shocked. I sat there in disbelief. Until my mind exploded. Until I cringed in disgust and fear. Am I safe anymore? I questioned. I tried not to think about it. I was hoping it was just a horrible dream. But it wasn’t. And the hate, it came the next day. I hid from it, out of fear and self-preservation. But I heard the stories, I heard the words, I heard the abuse. But I still refused to cry. I thought to myself, I will be fine, I will get through this. And I sent out thoughts of safety and concern to those I was afraid for. But finally, when I heard the self-doubt, When I realized little girls didn’t know their own value, When they questioned their self-worth, My heart broke. Because while I am resilient. While I have grown up in the hatred. While I have survived. They should not have to go through the oppression. Let them live. Let them love. Let them be.