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May 2012
It was the end of September when I first laid eyes on you,
You were much younger than me, what should i do?

Should I have just have a fling? A one night stand?
Or live out my life with you hand in hand?

My mind was racing, my heart skipped a beat,
No one ever knows just from the first time they meet.

We talked a while and had some laughs too,
I questioned myself if my soul mate was you.

There must be some reason for why we had met,
Seven years have passed and I still haven't got it all figured out yet.

I still get confused and a bit insecure,
Is it still all for us if I'm not completely sure?

We've had good times and bad times on this bumpy road,
But I know when things get heavy you gladly carry the load.

I know I'm not perfect nor am I fully sane,
But I know that no matter what you will always be my shelter from the rain!!
Lori Anne Bright
Written by
Lori Anne Bright  SC
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