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Feb 2010
Clear clear specular mirror,detach from me reality.Free the reflection.Come you, talk to me.Hello there.How are you?How are you feeling?I'm all right,though I must admit.I feel kind of tired,I feel kind of split.I'm sorry to hear,I can tell your not so well.You need to get clean,hell, you look like hell.Take off your clothes,bathe in your sight.Galaxy pool pupils,baptized into the night.Gravitation of it's mind,doorway to it's soul.What lies behindeyes so blind?Hey, am I losing you?You seem a little frantic.Get your head in the sink,drown in the Atlantic.Hahaha, are you losing it?Your losing it I can tell.Just give yourself up,farewell farewell.Look at that,the man in the mirror.He seems crazed,the embodiment of fear.That's right,break me to pieces.Smash me to bits,my being it releases.You can't **** me,your feeling too numb.Why must you killwhat you have become?My, I mean yours,your hands feel so warm.Let them fly away,let them blow in the storm.Your just a mess.A mess.A madman.A jest.Your life is a bore.A bore.Abhorrent.A chore.I'm dizzy.So dizzy.I'm falling down.Hit the ground,and the king is crowned.Worship me,worship this illusion.A hallucination?Or your delusion?The curtains are closing,the windows turn to bricks.Stop scratching yourself,we must get your fixed.Lay in your bed,let the rush come upon you.Don't mind the waves of spiderspouring out my eyes.Notice I'm not even rhyming?I'm not making much sense.You.I mean you,says the closet to it's chest.A shadow lives there,it's beckoning me to come.Just don't look at it,just sit look up and hum.Now the spiders,their born from the walls.The walls are black.The walls are black.The spiders are black.Everything is black.The animated walls are melting onto me.I'm covered in a mass of movement.I just want to tear me from myself.Five more hits,and I'll become itself.
This poem is by my boyfriend Michael Crowley . I stole it from him . This is a social experiment between the two of us . Enjoy .
Written by
Kristin Savage
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