You're sure to find a rabbit waiting If you step to the tick of a pocket-clock In the courtroom you'll be debating Out of your head the Hatter will knock If you go running through a Caucus Race Your folks are sure to worry They'll check your eyes and the set of your face But the rabbit wants you to hurry Skid along the checkered corridor And neck the layered drink I don't know what you're crying for Because in those tears you may sink Follow the smile of the Cheshire Cat Down a rabbit hole you will fall They'll ask if you're out of your hat But the Caterpillar just gave you a call Drop this quick and lets get higher Swallow this and you'll come right down The Door-mouse's eyes are getting heavier The Red Queen is showing a frown One more moment to hear a twisting Tail Another to pour some tea Grant one more to follow the riddle's trail You'll never escape from me.