Depression, Obsession, Disorder, and Confusion Magicians of the Illusion Caught in the battle of the Delusion Ranting and raving Endless paths to your madness When will it all cease Why can't they hear me? I'm screaming I'm crying tears from the past, the future, and NOW When can the agony become a soft, sweet a chainsaw to a body I miss-no crave that All I see is black, and there is nothing sweet nor soft about it Many doors that all seem to be covered in your own blood Rivers of Lye and your Lies surround you. You only have two options... To die in the lye.. To make up for ALL your lies by the Saw... ....No Such Thing As Happily Ever After....
When I made this poem, I was as always depressed. I wanted to stop feeling like I was being constantly tortured by my own thoughts, the only way I could come up with was writing. Now I want to share because I know I'm not alone with the thoughts I have. At least I hope.