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Jun 2017
The game was tight
The score was tied
It was the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs
The bases was loaded.
Up to bat was mad cat Alex Bly
The count was 3 & 2
The pitcher was shaking in her shoes.
As Mad cat was swinging the bat waiting for the pitch,
The pitch The crowed went wild as the ball was headed to center field.
High in the air it was, to first she ran
To second it looked good.
Third was was there for the taken.
oh good home it could be.
Then the ball came flying bye
The crowed went quite
The umpire yelled.
No home run today out by a inch
Then she woke up, And said The game is later Today.
Written by
Harold r hunt sr  63/M/union sc
(63/M/union sc)   
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