That moment of awkward forced eye contact between strangers On a hot and crowded public bus. My reflection on the screen of my laptop seems to soft Against the harsh rattles, jangles, clatters. Peculiar people spoiled by the heat. Thighs stick to pleather covered seats.. While candy apple red hair with a wrinkled face Speed talks keeping pace with the changing place Outside wide tinted windows, Miss hand gestures competes for air space While the wind whistles through an open window. Shadows dance across the broken dreams Of a forlorn man wringing withered torn hands. No silence draws attention like his can, Stands out like a numb spot On a sore thumb. Falls nicely behind The loud roars and murmured hum. The whole seen a dysfunctional sort of thing, But I think you would better yourself If for one day you let your guard down And climb into a packed space on a hot day And made friends with That moment of forced awkward eye contact between strangers.