I fell down a rabbit's hole, Knocking over cupboards and lamps, Listening to crows screech of others success, And landed within the deep pool of tears that Alice left. I sink. Beneath the water, serpentines of my energy diffused into my liquid prison. A spider wiggled through my skin, to where I feared it to search, And I struggled, trying to brush it before the worst could happen. I hope I did. I don’t want the worst to happen. It did once; I’d show you the scar, But I keep it well hid.
Feel free to quote or use if you feel it’s worthy of doing so (for when I share what I write, it’s for people to hear/read it if they desire to), but please don’t take it and say these words and phrases are your own, grant me the credit of writing it. Thank you. And tell a spider a secret today; it’s what they live off of.