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Jun 2017
An orange glimmer illuminates the dusk sky
Making its descent as I look up
Hoping that true love is looking at the same sky -
admiring the same beauty, feeling the same rush, fancying the same glimmer
But this glimmer, this sherbert sky, this elusive aesthetic will  fall below the horizon
Below where the sun meets the calm sea - into darkness

As you savor those last few seconds of its descent, those last few sparkles
I fall as the big sherbert ball goes below the water, to a place I cannot see
A place where all my hopes disappear to
And darkness arises
I feel a spirit pull me into a realm of darkness
I cannot escape
I cannot enjoy the beauty in the black sky
after I have watched my hopes fall below my sight
A place where I cannot retrieve them, unless Iā€™m lucky to dream about them that night

But when those dreams come true, and you have someone to stand by you at night,
That night sky you tried to escape from
suddenly becomes an alluring dark blue sky with incandescent speckles
That you can gaze at until dawn
On a grassy plain with dandelions and wishflowers as the breeze blows your lips together
Under the beauty of the  light
Julia Ruth
Written by
Julia Ruth  18/F
   Eiram N and Diego Morales
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