You’re so boring For some reason you wanna paint in between the lines And wear jeans and a hoodie When you know we’re bomb at painting magical exploding rainbows And we’d look hot as **** in ***** shorts and some weird *** parachute looking shirt You do our makeup normally When we should be drawing our eyeliner into dolphins or some **** Why wear pink lipstick when we can wear black? You always make us stay quiet when someone’s being a **** And for gods sake, why can’t I have ****** relations with that stranger? Well crap thats a bad line I should probably delete that But I won’t. We should make a sign and protest something , You know you want to. And come on, Live a little, Why do you gotta find a job right now when we could be spending all our time eating cheetos And playing gamecube Let’s go to a party, I wanna dance. I don’t care if we should be asleep by 10
My brain says no ally, We have to grow up. But what if we don’t want to? What if we wanna live fun and die young? Why’d we stop being friends with that girl she was pretty cool and we made out a few times She didn’t do anything wrong? My brain says that’s how life works, That girl isn’t going anywhere in life we need to be surrounded by success But why brain? Why is success so boring? My brain says I don’t know guys I dont know