the wash off of a hand wedding bells of neglected sand
a told ***** and the sole torrent of breath and in the fold of the jury of junk the folly frowned forth with a lemon-toned vest
a bold funk and the taxing of fervent-stale deaths
grissle of the earth, mined gusts of slivers, silver shrapnel, captive tnt vibrations in sky-limbs
groped gizzards and yet - grissle.
will the shimmer, slender,.... catch the wings of a firey match?
will the pluck be of the orient, cape of hope, slight hug to cabinet of jewels? The band to be....
a finger to tame the spirit [almost the sweet sound could tarnish our love] with a mission to commit precious-pressed dirt. or that topaz.... or of the tidal pools of hope!