When I think about you leaving, I have to stop my breathing From stealing me away into waves of havoc , Awesome in their size taking me down Beating me with panic, honestly The experience is to traumatic, So I leave the thought lurking In the background of my anxieties. Whispering silent pleas to a god I don’t believe in, or who does not believe in me. Scraping a sense of purpose from my tired And ragged bit of existence expressing My resistance in hushed goodbye wishes. Hugs and kisses misted in years of tears Drifting down pink cheeks, where red lips perched And brow becomes furrowed , From the words I’ve borrowed, And slipped from A mouth that’s Clinched “ I miss you already, I’m about to slip. I will never be ready. I’m going to be sick.” I bite my tongue back and realize what I haven't said, Just a broken track playing inside my head. Nothing but a scared heart filled with dread. And the guilt of all the things I’ve just said.
I know she will be happier there, I don't want her to feel bad. I just love her to **** much. Sometimes goodbye is impossible.