the bus ride would be long quiet whisperings of passengers all around LOUD AND OVERWHELMING strangely quiet still distant
feelings of OVERWHELMING INTESITY of every empty word spoken by the dejected
hum of the bus engines ROARING SCREAMS
surrounded by a thick blanket of silence alone feeling burning numbness
With the bus's QUIET loud RUCKUS BRAIN filling with television snow VENOMOUS VAGUE SHOUTING RAVAGING blank fields lacking understanding
body oversized and heavy DiFfErEnT UnFiTtInG UnBeLoNgInG too transparent for an earthly realm TOO HEAVY FOR THE DIVINE
Gum stretched t--h--i--n from a child's mouth into the ethereal with filthy fingers of decussated spirits
the lowering sun shining through AcloudedBUSwindow
Shun the BRUISED skY hints of deep purple and red glimpses of blue.
a small girl with her mommy gently caressing her cheek against a teddy bear's soft fur.
EVERYTHING IS OKAY! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!!!! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!!!!!! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!