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Jun 2017
Have you ever been Sad? And I mean Sad with a capital S. It's the type of sadness that makes the world lose its color. It's the type of sadness that makes your favorite song sound dismal and discordant. It's the type of sadness where you go as long as humanly possible without eating because just the sight of food makes you nauseous. It's the type of sadness that makes it nearly​ impossible to sleep, but when you finally succumb to your exhaustion your dreams are plagued with nightmares and you wake up at 3:07 in the morning, gasping for breath, tears streaming down your cheeks soaking the collar of your ill-fitting
t-shirt, unable to breathe because the pain in your chest is rendering you speechless and the only coherent thought in your head is why the **** am I like this. Have you ever been that sad? I've always been that sad. And I've always been told that it'll be ok. But I'm still waiting. And at this point I'm not sure if waiting is worth it anymore.
Brandon Kohler
Written by
Brandon Kohler  18/M
   Zachary William
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