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May 2012
Through desert lands and stormy seas
we travelled hand in hand
We battled countless enemies
throughout this hidden land

Soldiers came and heroes fell
the swarms keep coming in
Their numbers grow and multiply
Our allies grow ever thin.

There is no way to turn around
and go back to where we came
We must keep moving forward
and not forget our names

We battled days on end at times
No matter how tired we were
They slaughtered us like animals
and left us in the dirt.

Our numbers small and shrinking still
we regroup with less and less
Their army moves and crushes life
and leaves behind such mess.

The end is near we feel it close
We’re left with only four
We look towards the enemy
It looks like they’ve got more.

We bury the dead as quick as we can
But it seems a wasted effort
We band together back to back
as they pour from their fort.

The castle shadow covers us
Our hearts can feel the doom
Throughout the night the battlefield
is lit up by the moon.

Grey clouds build and roll across
The sky towards the west
In fighting while we feel so weak
against them we do our best.

Our numbers then go down to three
A sword went through his heart
He falls down in slow motion
his armour lined with darts.

The archers from the other side line
up all around
Hear the swish of arrows fly
and embed into the ground

At this point another falls an
arrow through his neck
His shield cannot stop everything
while broken from the trek.

Left with two we know we’ve lost
a solemn nod is shared
Back to back we face them now
all their teeth are bared.

We fight together what seems like hours
although it’s only minutes
We fight harder than we have
before to not get torn to bits.

They charge at us and we only just
Deflect their blows of anger
If we **** them then it seems like
their numbers grow to bigger.

There’s no chance of surrender
‘tis a fight to the death
it is a struggle to survive and
hold onto your breath.

Weariness has settled in to
our so tired bones
Here where there is no rest
so far from our homes.

The other cries out very loud
an arrow through his arm
It turns into a battle cry
And they cry out in alarm

They back us up against a wall
so we stand side to side
There is no place to run to
and there’s no place to hide

My throat is sore from yelling out
above all of the noise
The army’s turned us from strong
men into young frightened boys.

With one last glance we seal our
fate and prepare for a charge
We raise our swords and lower our
shields and scream at the army large.

We’ve lost too many men today to just give up
our lives.
We summon all within us and
yell out mighty cries

We dive into the masses and swing
out with our swords
We slash them here and stab them
there as we push into the hordes

The energy was draining with every
fighting step
Blood running down our faces
as death upon us crept

We killed so many men of
theirs while we were only two
But compared to the rest of them
they were but a few

Cries rung out and arrows flew
filling the air with chaos
It was so cold and chilling knowing
death was right upon us

A sword swung out to get me
I ducked it took my helmet
My own sword swung back at him
and there I left him dead.

The army separated us, we fought
to stay together
Then he went down
in a pile of armour chain and leather.

I was alone upon the field
but I could not give up
with the metallic taste left in
my mouth with the blood from my lip.

They came at me from all around
determined to see me dead.
clubs and swords and arrows
were all aiming for my head.

Swords clanged off my shield
and arrows barely missed
The enemy were surprised to see
me still persist.

A club shattered my wrist
and it broke my arm
I lost all feeling and my heart
began to drum

My sword stuck in the
ground as it dropped from my hand.
The pain in all my body was
all that I could stand

I fell onto my knees and then
lowered my face
A man came up towards me
swinging a big mace

He stood there right before me
and I knew this was the end
This poem was written on the 31/7/10 back when I had much less understanding of what was required in the ways of rhyme and metre but I did my best. You can find the rewritten version (Battle Story (version two)) here and it is much better in my opinion although I am planning to again rewrite it.
Nathan Douglas Day
Written by
Nathan Douglas Day  Nairne
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