The snow melts to reveal sad assortments of garbage Strewn along the sidewalks like a ***** bricolage The geese occupy our emptying quad Each is a blessed sign from your god
The early bird rises far before the dawn Bragging in bird-tongue about his perfect lawn Global warming shows its ugly face And the weather becomes a temperamental disgrace
Moving trucks and vans headed toward the interchange Each summer my peers look forward to happy change To work or not to work, that is the question But often work is more than just a suggestion
April is the time of transitions The time of decisions Move from brain to body From student to entry-level nobody
It’s nice work if you can get it But every year I forget it Wait until the last minute Get hired just in time to quit
Exams and singing Farewells and resume printing Interviews and bargaining All these things remind me of spring
Longing glances across the fluorescent lights of the store I long with everything I have for him to cross the floor Every year we interact but nothing more But every year I hope the power goes out so I can be his *****
Well, roll up your sleeves It’s time to produce! Five months away from the tuition-grabbing thieves So there’s absolutely no excuse!