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Apr 2012
Those lips: The lips that turned that smile into gold-
So I persist.
As I leaned in, so did you.
So fun and new and oh!
Oh my,
Those lips.
The feeling went from my head and trickled down my spine;
Oh ****,
Those lips.
I didn’t know how but *******, my heart felt so fresh,
Because of those lips.
Your smile got so wide and I couldn’t help but blush,
God I get so nervous- those lips!
As I got up, you took my hand in yours,
Oh my gosh,
Those hands.
The hands that have touched previous entities:
Landscapes, buildings, cars, firewood, corkscrews…
But those girls had such taste-
Who could resist that touch from those hands!
When you slowly brushed your hand against mine,
Embarrassingly, I hesitated.
I found myself gradually stroking your head;
Stroking your chin, your nose, your hands,
Your heart.
Was this wrong? Is it selfish to give into a desire?
My fire, my flame, my love.  It grew.
I was me and you were you; how beautiful.
It was all perfect, it all felt infinite,

But it wasn't.

We set ourselves up.
Or were we the ones set up?
A ploy, a “ha ha”, or rather a *******.
I don’t get it.
I just want those hands,
I just want those lips; that smile.
Wait, those eyes!
Soft, warm;
Those eyes wouldn’t tell me anything,
They were so hard to read.
Was this just me? Can he see what I see?
Shades so deep and alluring,
I get lost in those eyes.
They have stories to tell, and I wanna know more.
Don’t take away those eyes.
But alas, we must part,
Maybe for a little while, maybe for good.
I had fun, and I hope you did too.
But oh,
I love you.
Don’t you see, I get you and you get me.
Maybe it’s just me who sees.
Goodbye my darling dearest,
Au revoir my sugarpie,
Until we meet again.
Your scent lingered on my shirt,
I slowly pulled away.
What am I doing?
Is this wrong?
I should have told you from the start,
You should have known my love,
But it wasn’t right;
I’m sorry.
Now you give me kisses, and I give them back;
For your lips are far too gentle to hesitate.
Your wit, your jokes, your laugh.
Stroking your hair and hearing that laugh.
Your dreams,
My dreams.
My world in those hands.
Elizabeth Anne Schmit
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