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Jun 2017
I am poetic chaos.
I am the just in injustice.
I am the kiss the moon blows,
when she's blissfully happy.

I am the grey in the sun and the rain.
I am the orange in a combustion.
I am the green in hope.
I am the color scheme of love.....
The red in passion.
I am wrapped up in compassion
and promote social equality.

I can become a hurricane level five,
when I see corruption.

My breast can be a symbol both of weakness and strength,
all depends who you ask.
My eyes can reflect beauty and pain.

I can be the soothing breeze of a summer night, and simultaneously create scorching and suffocating emotions that will leave you dried.
I can be the calming sensation that comes from staring at a cherry blossom,
and become that spatial distanceΒ Β between the day and night.

I am woman.
I am justice.
I am love.
I am passion.
I am simultaneously bitter and sweet.
It all depends on what you want!!!!

Written by
Leydis  41/F/NYC
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