people and objects don't share many similarities but they are both in forms of different varieties and you can't trust everything that's written on a box, you can't trust ****** expressions or compliments or hands given out to you let me explain it to you in a simpler way; for example, you have been smoking nicotine for months on end until you eventually became an addict, throughout this period of time, you gave no attention to the fact that it's been exposing you to lung cancer you avoided all the symptoms, said you'd be fine, couldn't have cared any less and the day your lungs collapsed is the day you realized you've been hooked up on something bad for you but you went on with it anyway this is how it's like with certain people, certain feelings they are toxic and unless you find a way to quit them, you will forever be a victim of the circumstances forever suffering the consequences so here's this, put an end to it you love them, you tell yourself they're worth the pain and that it's the idea of love that keeps you going but love isn't about breaking and breaking is the last thing you would want to romanticize - during the past few years it is said to be that teenagers of the 20th century are more likely to experience heartbreak before their parents did when they were their age; which opens up opportunities like a mature mind and a sense of individuality in addition to emotional intelligence, but it also opens up devastation, depression, anxiety disorders leading to unexpected behaviors so tell me, you love them but are they worth the trouble? if you are in search of love to convince yourself that the world isn't as cruel as you think it is, start by looking in between book shelves, in between pastel colors, to make it more clear, start looking for love within yourself stop bleeding for someone who wouldn't bear a scratch for you value yourself enough to not allow anyone to walk all over you, to never settle for less than what you deserve, to aim for something far more convenient than the usual temporary affection love yourself and the world, with all of its natural forces, will love you