The little things, the little things. Oh how I love the little things, One applaud, Sweeter than an audience of cheers. A dollar bill, found on the ground, More joyous than fifty-thousand made in a year. A simple wave, Awarded from a stranger, A tiny smile, Donated from a neighbor. The little things, the little things. A grand reward, for little labor. Oh how I love to see, A puppy wagging his tail with glee. More charming, than visiting a zoo, Awash with lions, elephants and monkeys. Or a humble bumble bee, Making friends with a delicate daisy. More admirable, Than a tropical rainforest, Breathing in a beautiful land, Such as Papua New Guinea. The little things, the little things. Don't you just love the little things? So cherish the peasant, Pay no mind to the king. There's more to this life, Than diamond rings, And acquisitive dreams. -FBS