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May 2017
This goes out to all the women and men that have their hearts in jail. Most women and men put their own hearts in jail to be protected from the hurt the anger the frustration the emotion that they've been through in life with family and friends with co-workers especially relationships sometimes it's hard to open the key to the cell of your heart. And many men and women want to keep their hearts secure and hidden away in a cell and it even put up block bricks to surround their hearts their feelings how they feel towards somebody because they've been hurt too much in life by certain people in relationships it's hard for them to go forward in life the more they keep their hearts in a jail cell the more that they're hurting themselves in believing in love and in Trust with somebody else you have to have the face inside of yourself to let go of all the hurt all the frustrations to get your heart out of that jail cell only you can change your heart and get your heart out of jail so each day when you wake up start letting go little by little have faith in God and have faith in yourself and love yourself each day of your life
Armando Nathan Saenz
Written by
Armando Nathan Saenz  39/M/El Paso
(39/M/El Paso)   
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