The relentless passage of time will one day ****** me But until then it murders me still
You and I once passed each other on this sidewalk, Walking in the same direction We created love between us and we watched it grow We kindled it like it was our mission to see the flame Become bigger than something either of us could ever make individually
Yet I stand here, alone, on my side of the road Watching you walk by and continue living
You've taken the pieces of me I entrusted with you And I watched this fire extinguish It feels like I'm standing still while all the world keeps revolving And you along with it
I feel like a third observer, untouched by space and time, Taking the relative aspect of experience out of Einstein's equations
And I can see the passage of time And I can see myself and you and us and the flame that you blew out And there, I see you walk past me, Murdering us
The whole world remains while I wait for my recovery Why can't it stop with me while I wait? Why couldn't we have grown together? Where does the space which lovers lofty make Dissipate?
I travel back into my body, and recognize my objective view As an intrinsically subjective one of you And I have to keep walking Just as relentlessly as time and you pass