I need a gun. It is my first waking thought. But it is very dark here. I bang my naked knee on something hard. The armoury is this way. I think? My palms touch, rub, smooth bare metal. And then a switch. Light blinds me more than the darkness before. I am bleeding. My skin is raw. The armoury door is locked. And the lock is oiled with anothers blood, and flakes of a different kind of skin. Inside it's warm. Machined weapons hold no animosity. My choice is slick, almost pretty but I need a glove to hold her in check. In pastures green, I have been led. I have lain me down by still waters. There was no rod and no staff to comfort me. But I have a gun now. And a glove to hold her in check. My raw and naked skin will pass you by. My blood shall make rainbows in your peaceful waters.