We were best friends We broke up things are ugly Our friends have picked sides not because they were forced but because they weren't really my friends to begin with
You couldn't decide Couldn't be friends Couldn't be lovers Couldn't handle me in your life at all
"If you are out, I will not be" "Sorry doesn't fix anything. Us not seeing one another anymore does."
You have spun yourself as the good guy. And they will call you mature. You've handled this the best way you could. Sometimes things just don't work out. It wasn't your fault. These things just happen Sometimes
I will be crazy Or unstable Or just need to try harder to move past it. I will be the bad guy.
I will stand drunk here in my apartment as you stick your drunken tongue down my throat And your drunken fingers inside me
And I will wait for the morning to come so you can blame me blame alcohol blame anything except your lack of self self respect, self worth, self control