I saw a pillar of fire and I saw a cloud an Israelite marching to promised ground And this fire in the night blazed a trail all the way to Jerusalem a light in the dark consuming and drawing all of our attention as the savior entered in but he wasn't savior then he was just the Jesus man height of his fame top of his game crowds know his name and "hosanna" they proclaim nation wide status and popularity but all I can offer is palm branches at his feet so his ride doesn't get *****
I saw a pillar of fire and I saw a cloud an Israelite confused in the desert walking around and this cloud by day darkened my path with its shade and I followed it down to via DelaRosa the painful way where the Savior carried my cross to Golgotha to take away my sins but he wasn't savior then he was still just the Jesus man height of his fame scorned and betrayed by the ones he came to save even God looked away but the ones who really loved Him had tears in his eyes while everyone else shouted crucify
And I am in both crowds so how did I get from point A to point B somehow I find myself in between these two roads marked with glory and shame
I am the disciple saying Jesus you don't really have to die Filling up dry cupped hands looking for the relief of rain. Refreshing words to a parched soul but it is the temptation to get drunk off of sweet nothings It is the tension between suffering and superiority He cried My flesh writhes with greed longing for the captives to build a kingdom based on the pleasure of praise But I didn't come for me I came to set people free, give my daddy back the keys m, grabbing children off their knees, letting authority be restored, relationship born, and heaven an open door Will I be led by love or emotion?
Do I really have to go through with this or not? Haven't I already given up enough? Gethsemane and the overwhelming grief Meanwhile I am Judas saying "this isn't what I thought it would be" What happened to the man we called revolutionary? So you can fill up my hands with those sweet nothings and I will drink deep of the bitter heavy and cheap silver you placed there
I am Peter ready to defend but also to flee because I am too ashamed to be seen with this politically defined criminal even though he washed my bare feet so when you asked I will deny I will deny I will deny because I favor what people think of me rather than giving away everything
And the people change their mind simply because the position of magician on the payroll was denied Their wish list weren't getting checked off they were getting left behind And all three are a lot like me and once again I find myself in between these two roads marked with glory and shame fame and mock victory and flogging it's in Ascension full of dissension as I wait for someone else's reign I was in both crowds I was the worshiper and the condemnor the admirer and the accuser And I Wrestle and I wrestle with the gravestones in me until I am sick And Jesus Christ I know you wrestled too So My God my god what did you choose with the pushing and pulling of rising choice tension I now stand in the crowd that cries out for resurrection
I was commissioned to write this for Encounter Student Ministries for their Easter Service.