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Richard Collier
May 2017
On the house
One more instance of "Ha!"
Her silence graced in magnitude-
(Later morphing to gratitude.)
How else can she get into me
Without the getting out
Risking messes
Appearing crass
Commonplace cranky consequence-
(Arms-at-length-race mollases
We’re speaking
My tweaking- my leaking to the harem
How the here and now is full
Of legitimate - and within them
Pleasurable - "food-**** droooooool!")
“If you cannot bypass the mind and tell
Of matters of the dark
Then you cannot truly feast in me,”- says she
(Hammering another nail to the coffin
She'll later pry her way out of
With bleeding finger-pincers.)
And she knows well
- Within the bleakness of her blinkers -
I pay heed to the last line first
(Like the best wine)
Like the rest are but companions
Empty canyons of thirst
To pass through - read, though invisibly -
Drunk in the abyss of her eyes
To the point the crux- the joint
Hanging off her lips (Methinks though
She anoints too much
My common face my everyman disguise)
There’s a particular
Bi-polar / bi-lingual / by the book
Instance of crazy- where
There’s no emoticon for her to say
"Look! Look how you pained me - comic hero -
By hook or crook, my balance again zero!"
(... To date / Too late?)
To state- quite unequivocally
“You ****** me over
Through your unpalatable impatience
To glee your table- lover.”
She stays in silence mode
(This being her distraction / extraction
Direction away from the pangs:
Her skinny *** seeking my validation.)
She made the reservation
(I said I like to eat there often...)
She paid for my libation
(Her offering a generous concession!)
She bade happy expression
(Happily, I touted I’d partake there
This day.)
(No matter how ill-gotten
How rotten the buffet affirmation-
Just mind the cliches eh?)
Eat! Drink! "Be
(In the moment-
Joyful in the scenes she paints
Breathing in eucalypts and ferns
And the blue haze of malcontent.)
Days she provides the means:
“Go, do, say, live-
Big as the State you're in!”
And I so go
And I do things we both know
And I am living at a table
Where she does not partake /gestate
The joy; (Too late - huh - to prostate my love.)
When she can only pay the bill
Before the meal
Then skulk away-
She no third wheel
Conjugate; I no Achille's heel
To virtually ***** and slay and say-
"What if we-"
('We' at an impasse.)
But then I sway
I summon her via ether- choking
Gasping for breath, evoking croaking
"I need you to appear. My dear let's play!"
Her magic wand, her bearer bond
Her transfer again spawned
(My avarice umpteenth reborn
My hunger for the Big Pond
Horn of Plenty "Hey!" day
‘Tween we- still.)
Written by
Richard Collier
56/M/Somewhere in Time
(56/M/Somewhere in Time)
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