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May 2017

My Pachuca I want to be the most important valuable Pachuco in you're life I need you in my life I need you to understand me I need you to love me unconditional I need you to be there for me in my time of need I need you in my life more than ever on the shoes you to walk by my side to help me stand more than ever to understand what true love is all about I never met a woman like you in my life as my love grows very important towards you as my heart grows as my love for you gains more each day I want you to be the most important Pachuca in my life I've been searching for you for many years for many decades throughout my life do you understand where I come from and I understand where you come from in life we had our ups and downs in life from periods Relationships we've been hurt we've been through a lot in life I've been searching for you and you been searching for me let me mend your heart and my hearts our hearts become one together let us learn from the past let us learn to be better and confident and loving with each other let us become one let us become stronger than ever let us become the couple that were meant to be  it's time for us to walk into the world together not as two but as one let our Love Shine and let us be the most important
Armando Nathan Saenz
Written by
Armando Nathan Saenz  39/M/El Paso
(39/M/El Paso)   
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