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May 2017
Pachuco and Pachuca's Couples are stronger in life they are there for each other each day since day one since they met they help each other they help each other look firme for each other. They have much communication must trust with each other they don't let no other Vatos or Rucas come in between them they don't let rumors ruin their relationship through marriage they communicate with one another especially when they have kids family and teach their kids the way Pachucos and Pachuca's future generation and future generations to know how to treat their wives their husband and their kids the Familia of pachucos this from generation to generation to teach our future Generations to learn how to treat their husbands and their wives and the most important thing is to have faith in Lord in heaven
Armando Nathan Saenz
Written by
Armando Nathan Saenz  39/M/El Paso
(39/M/El Paso)   
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