Where are you, knight in shattered armor? The months seem like years. Do you not notice the time? I do - it is my constant companion.
Occasionally I see your “mood eyes” (as I call them), when mine close at night. Piercing blue and sometimes gray, those tiny windows to your soul.
I remember how they sparkled mischievously as you performed your magic in my parents’ kitchen; laughing at my child-like awe as I watched you pull out my card.
Do you know that you have ruined the word “coconut” for me? I can’t even look at one without thinking about migration. Sometimes I wish I had that effect on you, where you can’t even look at something without going back to October.
It’s the little things that haunt me: your hand on my shin, that spot between neck and shoulder, three kisses in rapid succession.
I wish I could haunt you, come to you as a ghost in the night wrap my cold arms around you from behind and breathe love into your ear.
Would you react? I doubt it. Your heart is already cold as stone. You have forgotten the warmth of my love.