Imperfect doesn't exist when it comes to you to me you are impeccable in every single way. In fact, you define it. Perfection = You. You make me feel like i'm enveloped in a fantasy. The butterflies you give me, that blushing smile you put on my face. Did you know that you are breathe-less My cherished affection? I would run a million miles just for you. You are worth everything. Whenever we are apart it is truly never the same. I cannot imagine my life without you. Meaningless is the world without you in it. You give my heart purpose. You give my life worth. I know our love is rare. I love you more as each day phases past. Loving you less is not applicable My emotion and passion is deeper than the last circle of Dantes Inferno. Nothing in this distorted universe could describe the passion I contain for you. That pumping muscle in my rib-cage keeping all that love. It is the ticking time bomb not one man should fear. My love is the unexplainable, and the unexplained is the unexplained because it is too much deep to comprehend. You, and I create We. *I love you.