two dear friends have lost their husbands just days apart verily they comforted me at my times of loss yet I can’t find the words I ache for them but my tongue is twisted my keyboard locked perhaps that realm is still too painful for me
they say that love is such exquisite pain shared intimately by two lucky ones beyond bedrooms throughout the life they carve while traipsing the universe unalone
loss, then, is the obverse the looking glass’ opposite side through which survivors see the lives their love has touched where mourners share eloquent memories embedded in their Brownian motion movie clips etched inside closed eye lids
is it possible to walk alone after having known such infinite endlessness? does love stop at death's door? you see it in a stream of colors shooting towards the sky you see it in the misplaced moon hiding in the sprucetops
the loss will always make you sad but the memories will make you happy and that exquisite pain in your heart is but a measure of the love you feel present tense for one another