Student Camp on its tour of Nature, walking along a coast in their leisure.
remembering the Nature's wonders in many, comparing to the lessons they had in botany.
crossing by a turtle nest almost camouflaged, amused, a student, looking at a baby lone and stranded.
not heeding to the words of the leader, went on helping the baby turtle to the water.
group walked ahead, feeling happy for the deed, only to turn back to the loud cry of gulls behind!
scores of babies running berserk on their way, getting picked by the gulls as easy prey.
is all for nobody's guess, what went wrong, that, 'the baby acting only as a watch-dog! ' its move, signal for the siblings in wait, 'its all safe and good now, right time to go wet.'
simple mechanism so built-in, its all in 'Nature's way', let's not meddle-in, better we stay away.