And you are the ocean aren't you? This ceaseless undulation, This orb of brine, That floats in the speckless expanse of my other mind. Your depths are unfathomable. A planet of its own to explore. What lovecraftian horrors do you hide? What bio-luminescent wonders wander your depths? Even in the darkest reaches, life pulses. The transoceanic transmogrification that I partook in allowed me truth. The salt ate my eyes, the wind burned my flesh, water choked my lungs. Seagulls picked clean the remains but still I stood. A ribcage still with breath. No eyes to guide me, No lies to see, The ocean had drowned something already on the fringes of life. As my bones marched a perceptionless place, muscle soon formed around my frame. Then skin, Then eyes.. I found that I was whole and fresh. Into still water I looked at myself anew and said *"Hello."