My bridegroom lifts me up from the world’s dark, said Sister Clare, He holds me fast against the world’s clutches, His touch heals my deepest wounds, my many failures.
His eyes search me and see me as I am; there is no pretence in His presence, no maybe in His words. He lifts away from the false prophets and lying religions, He shows me His love in a thousand ways, His love has no conditions, no limitations, no world’s whims.
He calls me out of darkness with the slightest word, none is worthy of Him, none seek Him as they ought. He seeks me when I am lost, finds me when I cannot see beyond the narrowness of the me, am blind to the reality of being, too lost at times to the world's sad ways. He will lift me up in the Last Days; will save from drowning in my deep depressions, my eyes open to the brightness of His face. I bathe in His love and grace, hear His call even when the noise of the world is at its loudest beat, I shall know His love, feel His tender touch, even when I am sunk in darkness and the wild world’s too much.