(bjo.) The things that would have happened anyway set in stone, meant to be, sure to occur
i don't take much confidence in the things set before me, the inescapable yet unseen routine of habit or spontaneity it is inevitable that I should end up whereever i go or whovever i am and should i break those around me it would have been meant to be
it speaks volumes of characer, it was unavoidable the people i hurt or the ones i saved, the stirring and the turmoil swept away I woke up in a panic, feeling ***** as if my heart had rolled through the rough and my breath were swung around on a turbine pumping air the wrong way and instead of blood, dirt blew through my veins-- although I prefer to think of that as evitable or that soil precedes the flower that purity cannot just be had but found, because it only exists beneath a tarnish and we are not born unharmed.