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Apr 2017
Festival of flesh flicks in my nirvana
Inside an ivory tower of Bella Donna
The carnival demands detachment from cure
As the whole world opens the gate for
Springtime in the curvy castle of obscure

There, the wiser seeks no privacy
The loser laments for democracy
While, the stoic savors the slavocracy

The bonanza begins with boisterous bounce
Heats from her chasm in the palace of Ivory
Distances the world and everything it surrounds
The whole ground becomes the ark of Covenant's
Last glimpse to the film which is profanely profound

A Kaleidoscopic cinema of desire runs with fat fun
The Ivory rains down hallelujah in the praise of wet ****

The ripple of The Marvel rinses my combustion!
I was dragged in there for the fetish of my concussion
To draw manna and salwa from mantra maniac's feisty expulsion.

All of them there operated on the perimeter of extremes
Like the ritual for ‘Knight of East and West' to redeem
The **** sapiens's refrain from super-ego, ego and Id

Summer of mayhem in there evokes Eros and Philos
The spring also gushes the gifts from the above
The ****'s ****; yes, the nymph of bliss which was
Guaranteed by the God, for the finest of his Zealots
In this incredible pilgrimage to The Carnival of Eros.
An attempt to write a symbolic ****** poem
Hasan Maruf
Written by
Hasan Maruf  28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh
(28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh)   
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